Artist Statement
I set up Love Mum Creatives as a platform for me to share my creative works and gather community. The name of my company is inspired by the first play I wrote, acted in and produced: 愛,媽媽 (Love, Mum), a matrilineal memoir about three generations of Chinese women.
Writing has always been a passion and an outlet for me, a medium for me to explore my feelings towards myself, my relationships and the wider socio-cultural environment. Like an artist towards a canvas, my pen and paper were tools for me to purge different colours and energies and thoughts and feelings, and then seeing what shapes and outlines would emerge. Usually the end product would surprise me.
Art speaks to and is an expression of the human experience. It is something that is created from deep within. The inspiration of an idea or feeling birthed through our subconscious musings which is then translated, distilled and built into a poetic art form. The sharing of art can also act as a bridge, connecting people and communities by igniting dialogues and creating resonance. Through this platform, I hope to share some of my creative projects with you.
Photo by Gareth Brown